Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Welcome to Theal!

The world of Theal is a vast world filled with the wonders of treasure, magic, and artifacts of ancient gods that once roamed the lands. Theal is the land blessed by the gods and they still roam the lands as avatars watching over their worshipers as normal everyday people. Theal is filled with plains that never seem to end, mountains that stretch to the very heavens, seas dotted with islands and waves that swallow ships. It is said that Theal has not all been explored or mapped, although maps with guesses of Theal are circulated to help travelers.
Regions of Known Theal -
Vulkaladin – The Great island. Not too many folk inhabit the island due to a large dragon cleric of Balaur resides in the mountains. Pilgrims of the lizard folk and lesser dragons go hear to pay homage believing the dragon is the avatar of Balaur.
Gaelewyn – The Eastern shore of Known Theal, many inhabit this area. Known for its rough terrain and ruins from old cities and temples of the gods, many travelers go to Gaelewyn to seek the riches told in tales. Many never return. The dark elves are said to have their fortresses under the extinct volcano Colundar.
Laefalil- The Northern forests of Theal are rich with timber and game, although most do not hunt in this area due to the Elves of Taeweathlia protect the lands. It is said that in the deepest parts of the forest that the animals return to the giant primordial size that once roamed all the lands when the gods roamed free.
Dordorin- The Southern lands of all known Theal. Most farmers and simple folk make villages on the banks of the Dordorin river. Orcish raiders also roam this land pillaging the farmers. They reside mountains of Aradlos near one of the great lakes of Theal.
Eostredor – The center of all known Theal. This area has the most order of all the lands protected by the kingdoms that dot the landscape. The highest population is concentrated in this area, and those wanting a city life travel to the metropolises in the area.
Cryindul – The Western lands of all Theal. This area has been deemed a harsh area with only the hardiest travelers going through this land. The Silvendus Mountains host mining camps for the dwarves and gnomes that travel through the to cities of Eostredor trading gems and metals for supplies and mercenaries.

Cities of Known Theal -
Colundar – The underground city of the drow. Not open to outsiders, little is known of the culture and the population of the evil Drow that reside here.
Caelos – The Eastern most port of Known Theal. This port mainly is home to fishermen that sell sea food to the inner cities. It is also home to lizard folk pirates and pilgrims.
Mountir – The river city. A port that hosts anybody and everybody. A melting pot of merchants and craftsmen.
Elunios – A sea side community of fishermen and farmers. Most that live here never leave and those who travel there stay due to its beauty.
Adrilus – Another river city, home to the Halflings. An open city, although most only travel here for the grains grown by the small folk.
Tambridun – The main city of the Elves. Mostly closed to outsiders, it is considered the birthplace of arcane magic. Many wizards and sorcerers take pilgrimage here seeking knowledge in the arcane arts.
Pelowyn – A large sea port filled with everything imaginable. It is the largest city outside of Eostredor.
Gundelion – A large kingdom of human kind that take to the ideals of Hearthlean.
Berynyar – A large kingdom of human kind that take to the ideals of Grodethaz.
Felolyn – The forest city filled with lumberjacks and alchemists using the forest for their merchandise. Home to many humans that practice arcane arts.
Elasindar – The lake city, a human kind kingdom filled with merchants from the surrounding cities selling their goods.
Narthalion – The sister city to Elasindar, a lake city and a merchant center for Northern Theal.
Fordorin – A human kind kingdom, a staging area for the travels that go west.
Caambrian – The largest city in known Theal. Its said to be the home of at least one of anything. Many say the avatars of the gods all reside here due to its fortune. It is also the oldest city and the last remaining city of the days that the gods roamed freely.
Xio Los Ail – Not a city but a monastery of the the monks of Theal. Even tho the Order of Xio Los Ail have syndicates in all the cities of Theal, a monk of the order will always take a pilgrimage here once in their life.
Aradlos – A city for the southern merchants. The smallest of the cites that dot the landscape of Theal. Heavily protected due to its wars with the orcish legions that inhabit the area.

The Pantheon of Theal -
Hearthlean – The God of all that is good and pure. A paladin with a bastard sword and celestial charger mount.
Grodethaz – The Goddess of everything dark and evil. A seducer and a deceiver. A rogue with two daggers black as night with a horde of evil cats.
Dringend – The God of strength and the Earth. A neutrality for fighters and warriors. A large brawler with a large oak stump club and a bear mount.
Zrak – The Goddess of the wind and the skies. A neutrality for travelers and wayfarers. A merchant with whip an Roc mount.
Tannir – The Goddess of water and the high seas. A neutrality for sailors and fishermen. A sailor with a trident and a giant kraken.
Pozhara – The God of fire and flame. A neutrality for smiths and craftsmen. A blacksmith with a hammer and an ox.
Pryara – The Goddess of passion and music. A testament of controlled chaos and love. A concubine with a stiletto dagger and snake familiar.
Pandoras – The Goddess of knowledge and the lore of old. A sorceress with a walking stick carved with scriptures of lost legends and an owl.
Friedra – The Goddess of the small folk. The mother of the halflings. A holy woman stones and a sling with a large dog mount.
Thardin – The God of the Dwarven kind. The father of all Dwarves. A fighter with large hammer and a elk mount.
Svechlich – The God of all gnomes. The father of all gnome kind. A craftsmen with a hooked pick ax and a weasel.
Tarweathlia - The Goddess of all elven king. The great mother of the elves. A battle maiden with a long bow and a large deer mount.
Grurk – The God of the Orc kind. The father to all orcs, a destroyer and a warrior. A large barbarian with a giant ax and a riding worg.
Makari – The Goddess of the dark elves. The mother to all drow. A temptress with a mace and a monstrous spider mount.
Balaur – The God of the Dragons and the lizard kind. A noble dragon with its own claws and lesser lizard folk horde.
Yaerbtordur- The God of the Giants. A neutrality for all of giant kind, said to be the father of all the giant kind. A fighter with a large axe and a giant boar.
Ishmael- The Goddess of Death and the afterlife. Said to be the angel of darkness and the night. An angel with scythe and a nightmare mount.

The list above are the main pantheon of the gods and goddesses of Thael, although some may be deceived into worshiping lesser mortals posing as avatars of their own. Many times this worship is due to the demons of the underworld or narcissistic mortals. No one in Theal ever worships one God exclusively, but worship all equally (with the exception of racial gods). A true polytheistic style worship. One may go to the temple Zrak to ask for safe passage across a dangerous mountain pass then go the the temples of Pryara when trying to take courtship with an individual. Due to this polytheistic style worship, good evil law and chaos are all part of people and all can be show at any given time. A follower of the ideals of Hearthlean can commit sin if temped and a follower of Grodethaz and can act with pure intent in a situation.